The NYSSCOGS/New York State High School Girls Soccer Hall of Fame (NYSSCOGS/NYSHSGS HOF) accepts donations to cover the cost of our Soccer Hall of Fame expenses. Please feel free to email Perry Novak at [email protected] to discuss and talk in detail about any and all contributions you can make Monetarily or Other Forms including Equipment, Supplies, Clothing (t-shirts, hats, etc.) for giveaways and raffles.
Those wishing to make donations may contribute by check . Those sending checks should make checks payable to NYSSCOGS and note in the "Memo" or "For" line in the lower left corner of the check that it is a donation for the NYSSCOGS HOF.
Please include this form when making a donation.
Mail donations with form to:
Attention: Perry Novak
3350 Rt. 28
Herkimer, NY 13350
We appreciate your donation to Hall of Fame.
Those wishing to make donations may contribute by check . Those sending checks should make checks payable to NYSSCOGS and note in the "Memo" or "For" line in the lower left corner of the check that it is a donation for the NYSSCOGS HOF.
Please include this form when making a donation.
Mail donations with form to:
Attention: Perry Novak
3350 Rt. 28
Herkimer, NY 13350
We appreciate your donation to Hall of Fame.
If you would like to sponsor the NYSSCOGS / NYSHSGS Hall of Fame and help promote your own business please send us an email and we will get back to you with all the necessary information and prices.
See our Sponsors Link above for our current Sponsorships and Affiliations.
This perhaps may be the best advertising at the most affordable and cost effective promotion you may ever be involved with.
Also it is a great way to network and promote your business, foundation, school, etc. while lending your support to the fine young lady student-athletes of the New York School System.
We would love to put a link to your site !!! All artwork can be done by us (if needed) for everyone to see, just give us a shout !!!
There are over 1800 teams grades 7-12 which equates to approximately over 40,000 athletes. Include those athletes' siblings whom play soccer and or other sports along with their families and friends your business could be reaching over 100,000 people each week all year long. Advertisements last a full year! Most ad's cost $3000 for front cover of the local penny-saver/community type of media print for A Week! This form of advertising in a no-brainer.
This is a great; economical way to advertise and be part of our wonderful team. All sponsorships last an entire year!
For more information contact our Web Coordinator:
email Mike Reilly
Listed on Sponsorship Website Page
Listed on Sponsorship Page With Logo and Link To Your Site
Business Card Add Listed in our Ceremony/Tournament Media Guide
If you would like to sponsor the NYSSCOGS / NYSHSGS Hall of Fame and help promote your own business please send us an email and we will get back to you with all the necessary information and prices.
See our Sponsors Link above for our current Sponsorships and Affiliations.
This perhaps may be the best advertising at the most affordable and cost effective promotion you may ever be involved with.
Also it is a great way to network and promote your business, foundation, school, etc. while lending your support to the fine young lady student-athletes of the New York School System.
We would love to put a link to your site !!! All artwork can be done by us (if needed) for everyone to see, just give us a shout !!!
There are over 1800 teams grades 7-12 which equates to approximately over 40,000 athletes. Include those athletes' siblings whom play soccer and or other sports along with their families and friends your business could be reaching over 100,000 people each week all year long. Advertisements last a full year! Most ad's cost $3000 for front cover of the local penny-saver/community type of media print for A Week! This form of advertising in a no-brainer.
This is a great; economical way to advertise and be part of our wonderful team. All sponsorships last an entire year!
For more information contact our Web Coordinator:
email Mike Reilly
Listed on Sponsorship Website Page
Listed on Sponsorship Page With Logo and Link To Your Site
Business Card Add Listed in our Ceremony/Tournament Media Guide